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    Full Stack Web Development Course

    Original price was: ₹15,000.00.Current price is: ₹9,999.00.

    A Full Stack Web Development course at IICE Computer Education involves blending foundational concepts with cutting-edge technologies and practical hands-on experience. Here’s a suggested outline along with some unique content ideas:

    1. Introduction to Full Stack Web Development
      • Overview of full stack development
      • Role of full stack developers in the industry
      • Introduction to front end, back end, and database technologies
    2. HTML, CSS, and Front End Development
      • HTML5 and semantic markup.
      • CSS3 and modern layout techniques (Flexbox, Grid)
      • Responsive web design principles and frameworks like Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS.
    3. JavaScript and Front End Frameworks
      • Fundamentals of JavaScript programming
      • Introduction to popular front end frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js
      • Building dynamic and interactive user interfaces
    4. Server-side Programming with Node.js
      • Introduction to Node.js and the event-driven architecture
      • Building web servers and APIs with Express.js
      • Asynchronous programming and handling requests
    5. Database Management
      • Relational database fundamentals (SQL)
      • NoSQL databases like MongoDB or Firebase
      • CRUD operations and database integration with web applications
    6. Authentication and Authorization
      • User authentication using JWT (JSON Web Tokens) or OAuth
      • Role-based access control (RBAC)
      • Security best practices for protecting user data
    7. RESTful APIs and Microservices
      • Designing and implementing RESTful APIs
      • Microservices architecture and scalability
      • API documentation using tools like Swagger or Postman
    8. Version Control with Git
      • Git basics: branching, merging, and resolving conflicts
      • Collaborative development workflows with GitHub or GitLab
      • Deploying web applications using Git-based workflows
    9. Testing and Debugging
      • Writing unit tests and integration tests
      • Debugging techniques for front end and back end code
      • Test automation and continuous integration (CI) pipelines
    10. Containerization and Deployment
      • Introduction to Docker containers
      • Container orchestration with Kubernetes
      • Deploying web applications to cloud platforms like AWS or Heroku
    11. Performance Optimization and Monitoring
      • Optimizing front end performance (minification, lazy loading)
      • Monitoring server performance and logging
      • Diagnosing and fixing performance bottlenecks
    12. Advanced Topics in Full Stack Development
      • Serverless computing and Function as a Service (FaaS)
      • Real-time web applications with WebSockets or Socket.IO
      • Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and offline functionality.